Location Project Website
Lufhereng, Gauteng www.ndluhousing.co.za

Raudev is a shareholder and management member of a special purpose company established with the sole mandate to deliver FLISP houses to the public, Ndlu Housing.

Their first project is located in a large scale integrated development Lufhereng, south-west of Johannesburg. Ndlu Housing obtains serviced stands which are made available by the City of Johannesburg via the Lufhereng Development Company, and facilitates the development of houses and transfer of the improved stand into the name of the customer. The target market are families earning a combined household income of no more than R15 000 per month and who are first time beneficiaries.

Ndlu’s services include all aspects related to sales and marketing, arranging of end-user finance from the banks, arranging a Finance Linked Individual Subsidy (FLISP) from the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements, design and construction of the house and registration of the property in the Deeds Office.

The first houses were transferred early in 2018 and occupation by mid 2018.


